Public Entities – Emerging Risks
Schedule Your Risk Profile Assessment
Risk Profile Management is crucial in the successful governance of a public entity. Understanding your unique risk profile score and how it is impacted by multiple factors, including emerging trends like those above, is the first step in developing the Risk Profile Management Program.
The goal of a risk profile is to provide an unbiased understanding of your organization’s ability to address risk by assigning a score to different types of risks and the danger they pose. Developing a Risk Profile Management Program helps control your unique risk profile score through the results of documented and measured strategies vs. comparable benchmarks.
Risk Management Profile (RPM) Program
1. DISCOVER: What Is Your Score?
Learn about your initiatives, the unique risks you face and assess the current programs, policies and procedures in place to address them.
2. DESIGN: Develop The Strategy
Design a custom program with the options and recommendation to improve your risk profile score.
3. IMPLEMENT: Execute The Program
Execute the program and strategies designed to achieve you short and long term goals.
4. MONITOR: The Accountability Process
Monitor and measure the performance of the program through verifiable data and benchmark analysis. Adapt the program as your business evolves.

Know Your Score!
Public entities face a unique environment regarding liability. The contrast between evolving exposures, litigation trends and the acute pressure to reduce costs. Aligning budgets to sometimes inadequate public funding creates a complicated web of choices for administrators in the public sector.
One of the most important factors to consider when managing your property liability coverage for public entities is the true cost of risk, not the price of the premium.
Schedule Your Risk Profile AssessmentOur Public Entities Team
Kevin Robbins
Chief Sales Officer
Karen Shannon
Vice President, Business Consulting/CHRO
Paul Long
Vice President of Business & Association Development
Jeff Chronister
Jeff Eiserman
Najem Agnew
Ryan Allison
Cameron Black
Advisor/Director, Corporate Wellness Consulting
Myleah Shrimpton
Vice President of Claims and Administration
Ashlae Cook
Commercial Risk Account Executive