1. What do you like most about your role?
I love that I am able to support everyone in my department. I love taking on the projects that make the lives of our team and, especially, our clients easier.
2. How do you think being in an ESOP affects work culture?
I think it leads us to better understanding that we’re all a part of the same team. So everything we do, even the things that we think don’t make any sense or any impact at all, make our lives easier one way or another.
3. What is something you did not know about the ESOP before working at OAA?
Everything. I came in clueless about ESOPs, so everything that they share about the plan is new to me.
4. What are you looking forward to this summer?
Well, I am getting married, so I think my wife-to-be would be upset if I didn’t say that