Your well-being is dependent upon a lot of different factors, and achieving total overall well-being is a bit more complicated than it may seem.
Well-being refers to being in a state of alignment and overall happiness and health. It encompasses many different facets of your life, but we want to help you focus on four specific concepts.
Physical well-being
Physical well-being focuses on how well your body functions. this can include eating healthy, being active, avoiding destructive behaviors and substances, getting enough sleep and taking care of yourself when you’re ill.
Mental well-being
Mental well-being focuses on how good you feel about yourself, as well as how you feel emotionally and psychologically. This can include coping with stress, working productively, and exhibiting self-esteem and confidence.
Financial well-being
Financial well-being focuses on your relationship with finances and saving for your future. This can include investing in your retirement, budgeting and reducing debt.
Social well-being
Social well-being is multifaceted and focuses on your relationship with your peers, your community and the environment. This can include volunteering, living sustainably and joining workplace clubs to meet other co-workers.