Myleah joined Ollis/Akers/Arney in 2010 after six years in underwriting and more than a decade of experience in the insurance industry. She is a 2007 graduate of Drury University and holds a license in property, casualty, life, and health insurance. She also worked hard to obtain her associate in claims (AIC) designation. She was a recipient of Springfield Business Journal’s 2024 Most Influential Women Award and was also recognized as a PropertyCasualty360 Luminary award winner for striving to transform and set a bright example in the insurance industry. Myleah works tirelessly every day advocating and resolving for clients through the claims process.
Myleah’s enthusiasm and passion don’t fizzle when she leaves the office. She has a heart for non-profits both near and abroad. Her faith guides her personal life and steadies her purpose in her position at work. Myleah’s mind is always buzzing with care for her clients and her family—a loving husband and two growing girls.